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Capacity to thrive: Adaptive leadership needed ...

by Andrew Gair, Delta Insurance

"To lead is to live dangerously”, says Ronald Heifetz, professor at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.  An advocate for “adaptive leadership”, Heifetz argues that bold decisio...


NZI launches new cyber-attack prevention tool f...

NZI has put together a cyber security tips and best practice self-assessment for New Zealand businesses, in conjunction with Deloitte. NZI’s national manager, liability, Ryan Clark said there was a real need for busin...


Brokers should encourage businesses to do their...

By Stephen Henkin, Vero manager risk management services

Every year, Vero’s risk management specialists visit about 3000 commercial premises to help them find ways to protect themselves against loss. One of the big opportunities we often identify is that many businesses could do mo...


Kiwi businesses don’t understand cyber-risk

Cyber-risk is high on the agenda for many New Zealand businesses however few are very confident about understanding, or responding to a cyber incident, a new global survey shows. Many also do not comprehend the risks their...


Armstrong farewells IAG after five decades

By Michael Botur

He started in insurance in the time of telexes and telegrams but even in today’s digital world, IAG’s outgoing executive general manager of risk and underwriting says you can’t beat the human touch. Armstrong...


Insurers look at nitty gritty

Move to granular pricing part of bigger shift for industry. By Angela Cuming

Tower Insurance will soon start pricing premiums based on how at-risk residential properties are to all ''natural perils'' in a move experts predict will shake up the local insurance industry and encourage other...

Live News

Liquidation recommended for CBL

Administrator KordaMentha has recommended CBL Corporation be put into liquidation. They stated in a creditor report that the company, parent of CBL Insurance Europe and CBL in New Zealand, had not put forward any restructuring...

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Roboadvice begins

New Zealand’s first roboadvice offering has been given the green light. The Financial Markets Authority began accepting applications at the end of February from providers who wanted to offer digital personalised financial...

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Marshmallow victory

Fintech start-up Marshmallow has won a trademark battle with Marsh. Marsh had tried to block its use of the name. But the British Intellectual Property Office rules that the two words would be well-known to the average...

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Open claims found

The Earthquake Commission (EQC) has found an extra 949 open insurance claims from the Christchurch earthquakes, bringing the total number up to 3617, it has been reported. Five of the claims have not been worked on, Stuff reported....

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