Live News
Understanding fairness in financial services

The majority of New Zealanders generally agree on what constitutes fairness in financial services, research commissioned by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko – has found.   The res...
Marlborough District Council rate increase

Mayor highlights importance of fully insuring district's assets

Residents of Marlborough will see a rate increase of 13.6%, partially to address rising insurance premiums for the area.   The Marlborough District Council has announced the need for an additional $548,000 to cover insura...
New Health and Safety Guide

Good Governance for Directors

The Institute of Directors (IoD) and WorkSafe New Zealand have published an updated version of their ‘Health and Safety Guide: Good Governance for Directors’ yesterday.   The new guidance is provided across th...
Driving after medication could void insurance

Ombudsman warns drivers about impairment risks that follow

Drivers taking prescription medications need to check when it is safe to drive to ensure they are covered by their car insurance, according to the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme (IFSO Scheme). This warning follows a...
ICNZ calls for govt leadership

New Zealand's vulnerability to climate-related hazards highlighted

The Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o Aotearoa (ICNZ) is advocating for the government to lead in climate adaptation efforts to strengthen New Zealand’s resilience against climate change impacts on lives and...
Key concerns for insurers amid climate litigation

Aon Reinsurance exec on the things to keep in mind as claims continue to esca...

The rising tide of climate change litigation poses significant risks to the re/insurance industry, with the number, cost, and frequency of claims continuing to escalate. According to Leonora Siccardi (pictured above), global head of...
Praise for new speed camera warnings

Initiative aims to boost road safety says NZ Automobile Association

The New Zealand Automobile Association (AA NZ) has welcomed the installation of speed camera warning signs aimed at promoting safer driving in high-risk areas.   This initiative commenced with the operation of the first...
Shielding from deepfake risks

How exposed are FIs and banks? What can businesses do?

How can financial institutions and the banking sector brace themselves for the escalating risks associated with generative AI, particularly as it pertains to deepfakes and sophisticated fraud schemes?   As criminals...
QBE launches new global cyber product

Move looks to bolster cyber resilience for global clients

On July 16, 2024, QBE Insurance announced its new policy, QCyberProtect. It's designed to enhance cyber resilience for a broad range of clients worldwide.   The new policy aims to provide tailored coverage for losses...
A Delta force for a sustainable motor future

New Zealand's vehicle landscape is experiencing an exciting transformation as companies increasingly embrace Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. This rapid evolution is being embraced by companies, with the...

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