Minter Ellison Rudd Watts lawyers examine recent insurance court cases – and ...
Assignment of claims A recent decision by the High Court concerns the assignment of full replacement insurance claims. Unusually, rather than the issue being whether the insured could assign the replacement value of the poli...IFSO Case Study
In 2002, the insurer insured his house with an insurance company. In November 2009, he discovered that a water supply pipe in the wall cavity behind the shower had burst. He turned off the mains water valve and contacted the insure...
IFSO Case Study
The insured held a house insurance policy with P. In August 2009, they arranged for the insurance to be changed into the name of a family trust they had formed. In February 2011, a significant earthquake struck Christchurch, result...
Increasing levies on insurance policies look to have reduced the amount of cover that some policy-holders are taking out. Over the past year, the sector has been hit with two major levy increases. The fire service levy...
By Eric Crampton and Bryce Wilkinson, with Jason Krupp, NZ Initiative
The Christchurch earthquakes were a massive wake-up call for insurers, domestic and global. In 2014, Treasury estimated the rebuild cost at $40 billion, 20% of GDP. A more up-to-date estimate is likely to be higher, perhaps...Feature
New research shows running a sustainable business is essential for profitability and growth. The research, commissioned by NZI, looked at where businesses are at on their sustainability journey and the benefits of running a...
Rothbury says it will continue to work on expanding its footprint in 2018 through its merger and acquisition activity and organic growth. The broker firm currently has offices in 20 locations around the country and over 260...
With thousands of unresolved EQC and private insurance claims, the new Govern...
The courts have resolved a large number of contentious insurance disputes arising out of Canterbury earthquake claims. These have involved both private insurance policies and the interpretation of EQC’s statutory obligations....Feature
Minter Ellison Rudd Watts’ insurance team outline their predictions for the n...
There is the potential for an increase in class actions against insurers, increased regulatory involvement in the intermediary market and an increase in funded claims involving insurers. Class actions New Zealand’s...FSCL Case Study
In December 2015, the insured approached an insurance broking firm to arrange a number of insurance policies. She already had car insurance for a car purchased in November 2015 with a different insurer. Her insurance was for an agreed...