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How the sharing economy is blurring insurance l...

By Richard Godman

U ntil recently, most New Zealanders’ lives had well-defined boundaries that made it easier for insurers to assess and price risk.  But the sharing economy is changing the way we use our assets and belongings – ...

IFSO Case Study

Completing applications risky

Colin* arranged life and trauma cover with the help of financial adviser Fred*. Fred and Felicity*, a mutual friend, completed the application on Colin’s behalf.  When Colin required a coronary angiogram, he made a claim...

IFSO Case Study

Advice obligations

Donald*, a financial adviser, met with Mr and Mrs Jones* to review their life and trauma cover. They were concerned about increasing premiums and asked Donald if they could have a policy with level premiums.  Donald provided a...


Insurtech Disruption is inevitable...

Are you ready? By Lloyd Kavanagh, Jeremy Muir and Kara Daly

Insurtech is the fusion of technology and business models to enable, enhance and disrupt the provision of insurance services, and it is becoming a key growth driver for early adopters worldwide. At its heart is the ability to enhance...
(December 2017)


Accidental regulator

Angus Dale-Jones says he fell into his career by accident

The  chairman of the Code Working Group grew up in South Africa and Zimbabwe and qualified as a chartered accountant He moved to Australia in 1990 but initially struggled to get a job. Eventually a recruitment...
(December 2017)


The new advice code

Good advice outcomes for retail clients, Angus Dale-Jones

 The Financial Advisers Act 2008 has been reviewed and is set to change.  While the details of the changes are still to go through a parliamentary select committee process, preliminary work has begun on a draft new...

FSCL Case Study

Insurance lapses – who is responsible?

An insured is unaware his policy has lapsed because his insurance broker sent...

In December 2016 the insured purchased two motorbikes from a dealer who arranged insurance through a broker. He paid the annual insurance premiums for both bikes in one lump sum. In March 2017 both bikes were stolen from a secure...

FSCL Case Study

“At least I have lease cover, right?”

The insured contacted her broker to ask whether she had cover to lease a truck when her truck was written off after an accident. The broker told her she had lease cover, however it later transpired she did not. The accident...


Insurers and Privacy Act Requests

Insurers have experienced a recent surge in Privacy Act requests from homeown...

What may insureds ask for? Insureds who are natural persons (companies have no such rights) are entitled to access their “personal information” held by insurers on request, without giving a reason. There is no...

A Year in Review

Eye on Expansion

By Roger Abel, Managing Director, Rothbury

What has the last year been like? It’s been a very good year for Rothbury and I’m proud of what we’ve achieved. We’ve continued to grow as a business and innovate. While it’s been a year of...

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