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NZI marks 160 years

By Joanna Mathers

The founders of NZI (then New Zealand Insurance) were unlikely to have foreseen a future when insurance advice came via the mouth (or, rather, speakers) of robotic advisers. In fact, when the company was established in 1859, the word &l...


NZI motor manager living a passion

It would be fair to say that Oliver Jepson, NZI’s national motor manager - corporate and fleet, lives and breathes all things motor. “I've been obsessed with cars my whole life, so it’s awesome that the focus ...


What if homes become uninsurable?

Rising sea levels may be the most predictable outcome of climate change, but ...

The efforts to combat climate change have begun in many corporate sectors around the world, and here in New Zealand that effort has been led by the insurance industry as it grapples with what to do when coastal properties beco...

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Insurance laws under spotlight

A review of insurance contracts law wants to tackle issues of non-disclosure. Submissions are currently open on an options paper that sets out the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s plans to revamp the laws...

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Dash cams offer clarity for claims

QBE Insurance and road safety organisation Brake are encouraging businesses and motorists to embrace New Zealand’s dash cam usage trend, citing the devices’ significant potential insurance, financial and safety benefits....

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AMI may shut branches

AMI is reviewing aspects of its nationwide network of retail stores as customer preferences change. Alex Geale, executive manager of the AMI retail network, said it was the biggest of any insurer in New Zealand and that was not...

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Code of conduct approved

A code of conduct for financial advice has been approved by the Commerce Minister and will come into effect in about nine months’ time. The code sits alongside the new advice legislation, which creates a level playing field...

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Insurers praise climate move

Insurers are backing the Government’s Climate Change Response Amendment Bill. Governments will be required to reduce biological methane by at least 10% by 2030 and between 24% and 47% by 2050.  All other...

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Insurers, brokers welcome levy review

The Government will review how Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) is funded, a move that is being welcomed by the industry. The FENZ levy has been controversial for many years.  In 2017, the fire service levy for...

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EQC concerns voiced

People are saying they want to see more empathy, transparency, relevant expertise, quality assurance around assessments and repairs, and greater timeliness with claims, in feedback so far to the public inquiry into the Earthquake...

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