IFSO Case Study
A trust held house insurance for a rental property . In March 2017, the trust made a claim to the insurer, because methamphetamine testing had shown a composite test result of 66µg, well over the threshold requiring remediat...
IFSO Case Study
In December 2015, a trust arranged insurance on its boat with an insurer. In January 2016, a trustee of the trust was driving the boat when swells developed. He said he went over a wave and the boat landed awkwardly, there was a ba...
by Crossley Gates
Insuring the same risk twice with different insurers is not as silly as it sounds. In the early days of marine insurance, insureds commonly purchased more than one insurance policy to cover the same risk in order to protect themsel...IFSO Case Study
The best time for clients to understand how insurance works is before they might need to make a claim, says Karen Stevens, Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman. “Advisers have a really important role in educating...
Here’s how to build up your personal brand as an independent insurance broker...
Your personal brand is about your reputation and being known for what you do. Have you heard of it? Let me fill you in. Regardless of where you are on the experience scale of insurance brokerage, or how thick your book is, you...Feature
The QBE Foundation has announced its 2019 charity partners, confirming renewed agreements with seven existing partners. The agreements include new and continuing multi-year support pledges from the insurer’s Australia Pacific...
Delta Insurance has partnered with global security leader DynaRisk to deliver a cyber-protection and insurance product for businesses and their employees and customers across the Asia-Pacific region. Delta Insurance Group...
By Tim Grafton
To understand what is happening to insurance in Wellington, it’s worth reflecting that the November 2016 Kaikõura earthquake caused about $1.5 billion of insured losses in the city. That’s from an event with an...Feature
by Lloyd Kavanagh, Jeremy Muir, Kara Daly, Andrew Suggate, Maria Collett-Beva...
A little over 20 years ago, the Law Commission published a paper with a title that hinted only vaguely at its contents: “Some Insurance Law Problems”. It examined five unrelated aspects of insurance law that were...Feature
Brokers told to check policies have high enough indemnity limits to cover ris...
The most significant recent development in statutory liability insurance has been the rising costs of reparation payments made to victims following health and safety prosecutions, says Adrian Tulloch, managing director of Vero Liability...