A New Zealand company with international experience that have developed a marketing solution uniquely for Insurance and Financial Advisers. They recognised that to be successful, the technology needed to be able to run on modern devices such as a smartphones, leverage the latest marketing technology, have content developed and maintained by leading market experts, but more importantly, be no more complicated to use than making a phone call.
Advisor Promoter is such a technology and is making waves in the industry in helping advisers grow their business. It is well worth a look for advisers wanting to take their marketing to the next level.
The foundations of building an adviser’s customer base have been well proven over the years. At the end of the day, it is about getting in front of customers, solving customer needs, building and maintaining relationships and getting referrals from happy customers.
Technologies have played a big part in adding to the tools available in helping advisers reach out to more customers from telemarketing, emails, text messaging through to social engagement and any numbers of other initiatives. There is no doubt, used correctly, modern marketing tools such as marketing automation (The ability to automate tasks and processes for the purpose of marketing a product or service) can play a big part in growing and maintaining a customer base.
If you googled ‘business marketing tools’ you will find 1000’s of tools available online that can be used to help you market your business. In fact, as of 2018, there are over 6,000 registered technologies that could be used.
The problem is that the technology is only part of the solution. The excitement of thinking that a technology is going to change your business is quickly disbanded when you realize that you need to sit down and learn how to use each piece of technology. In addition to this, you then need to start preparing data lists and marketing content, such as email copy, images, videos and text, not to mention the principles of modern marketing automation. In many cases, advisers want the outcome, but are not necessarily interested in the process involved in getting there. In much the same way that we do not need to know how a car works, but rather focus on the basic skills to drive the car from point A to point B.
Moberate Technologies has helped develop Advisor Promoter for insurance advisers, here is a link to their site.