
Data privacy and security compliance were identified as the primary concerns of 75% of global insurers and 83% of their New Zealand and Australian counterparts, according to a Gallagher Bassett survey. 

The claims and risk management firm’s 2024 Claims Insight report provided insights into the primary compliance and regulatory hurdles insurers face.

According to GB, a significant focal point for insurers worldwide is cybersecurity and data breach regulations, with 65% of New Zealand and Australian insurers anticipating an 'evolving challenge'. 

This concern extends to the adoption of consumer protection laws, a hurdle expected by 53% of those based in New Zealand and Australia. These laws are getting stricter, requiring insurers to adjust their strategies to abide by the rules.

Expert insights for insurers

Steven Walsh, chief client officer at Gallagher Bassett New Zealand, emphasised the critical role of leveraging external expertise to effectively navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.

“By leveraging external knowledge, insurers can navigate the complexities of customer-focused regulations. This approach facilitates compliance and underscores their commitment to a forward-thinking strategy.”

In New Zealand and Australia, 53% of insurers plan to hire compliance consultants or claims and risk management experts to enhance and maintain compliance measures.

“Collaborating with a claims and risk management provider can help streamline claims processes and foster a proactive approach to ongoing adherence to changing regulations,” Walsh added.

Regulatory reporting and documentation management pose a significant challenge to insurers, according to the report. 

43% of insurers expect this challenge, pushing them to re-evaluate their reporting mechanisms. 

"Embracing robust cybersecurity measures, reinforcing consumer protection laws, and optimising reporting processes will ensure adherence to regulatory standards," GB said.

"As insurers grapple with data privacy and cybersecurity concerns – with 83% of New Zealand and Australian insurers ranking it as their primary concern – the industry must stay informed and adaptable to ongoing changes," Walsh added.

“In this current landscape, it is vital insurers have proper and robust plans of action in place to ensure they can navigate fast-paced changes effectively. The old saying that you are only as strong as your weakest link requires that insurers must be as demanding of their supply chain, which is often vested with personal information, as they are of their own internal standards.”

September 2024