
July to December 2024 topics

Contract Works - John Rigby - Ando

NZ Economic Outlook - Brad Olsen - Infometrics

Time saving online tools to be more productive - Leanne Coste - Better Your Biz

Knowing your client - how not taking the time to fully understand your clients' needs leads to complaints - Susan Taylor - FSCL

Home Owners, Main Exclusions/Cover Pitfalls - Emma Gabor - Gabor Law

D & O Liability - Delta

Conflict Situations - Crossley Gates

Home Contents Main Exclusions/Cover Pitfalls - Emma Gabor - Gabor Law


Business Interruption – Importance of cover for Additional Increase in Cost of Working - Mark Anderson - Commercial Loss Management


Construction Liability – claims trends and resolutions - Wynn Williams


Insurance Policy Structure - Mel Gorham - IBANZ


Fraud - Emma Gabor - Gabor Law

Insurance Industry Legislation Overview - Mel Gorham - IBANZ

Regulatory Offending - Duncan Cotterill

Trustees and exposure of professional offending - Duncan Cotterill

AI - Duncan Cotterill

FAP Regulatory Returns - FMA

Findings from Monitoring - FMA

Product Recall - Ron Currin - Delta

Marine Cargo Insurance - Terry Mutimer - Vero Marine

Round the World - Terry Mutimer - Vero Marine

Others will be added as topics and presenters are confirmed. Please note, the programme is not guaranteed and changes may occur due to unforeseen circumstances. We do endeavour to reschedule should this happen.

March 2024