June 2024

June 18

TOPIC: Indemnity – demystifying the process 

PRESENTER: Chris Shannon & Sean McIntyre - Duncan Cotterill

It can be an uncertain time for any client when their insurer tells them that they have instructed an independent law firm to provide indemnity advice before confirming insurance cover. In this short presentation, Chris Shannon and Sean McIntyre of Duncan Cotterill will demystify the process and explain some of the key issues to consider, and what insurance brokers can do to help their clients.

June 25

TOPIC: Adviser value, pre claims and claims assistance - getting it right*   


Clients often expect advisers to assist them with their insurance claims, often mistaking the role of the adviser, insurance broking company and the insurer.  These misunderstanding can lead to incorrect expectations of the adviser, the adviser over-reaching within their role, or withdrawing from assisting the customer with their claim and the customer being disappointed and complaining to the adviser and their service.

July 2024

July 4

TOPIC: Broker Case Studies

PRESENTER: Helen Twomey - Robertsons

In this webinar, Helen Twomey will discuss recent examples of insurance claims made against brokers – including the circumstances in which they arose and how they ultimately played out.  This session will also include helpful tips on what to look out for as a broker and how to deal with certain situations that may arise (particularly in light of the code of conduct and ethical obligations).

July 9

TOPIC: Light at the end of the economic tunnel – but it’s a longer tunnel

PRESENTER: Brad Olsen - Infometrics

The economic outlook for New Zealand remains cautious, with the outlook for interest rates becoming the key area of discussion for 2024 as inflation remains stubbornly high, even as the wider economy retreats further. 

July 10

TOPIC: Time saving online tools to be more productive   

PRESENTER: Leanne Coste

This webinar will show you different online software options so you can work more efficiently, give your customers a better experience, reduce admin costs and save you time.

July 11

TOPIC: Knowing your client - how not taking the time to fully understand your clients' needs leads to complaints. 

PRESENTER: Susan Taylor - FSCL

FSCL have seen a number of complaints in recent times where the underlying cause has been that the adviser or broker hasn’t fully understood their clients' particular needs or business. This has led to a client having unrealistic expectations about the extent of their insurance cover or the wrong type of cover in place.

July 16

TOPIC: Conflict Situations

PRESENTER: Crossley Gates - Keegan Alexander

Crossley will have a closer look at certain conflict situations that insurance brokers may face, such as acting for family or friends. He will also look at compliance with other areas of Standard 2: Act With Integrity of the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advisers.

July 17

TOPIC: Home Owners, Main Exclusions/Cover Pitfalls

PRESENTER: Emma Gabor - Gabor Law

Insurance policies are similar but not the same! In this “back to basics” seminar we discuss the main exclusions, as well as covering off the pitfalls.

July 23

TOPIC: The Risks Associated With Lithium-Ion Batteries and How To Mitigate Exposure


National Surveys & Risk Assessments (NSRA) are proud to announce their first webinar hosted for a New Zealand audience. NSRA discuss the technical background of a lithium-ion battery, what to look for, and how to mitigate the risk.

July 24

TOPIC: D&O Liability

PRESENTER: Daniel Toebosch & Glenn Dawson - Delta

This session will discuss the basics of D&O coverage and the associated exposures. We’ll also look at the most common claim types along with real-world examples. 

July 25

TOPIC: Contract Works 

PRESENTER: John Rigby - Ando

John will be talking about building contracts - why have them and what are they for? Insuring responsibilities for contract works  and who arranges the cover.

August 2024 

August 1

TOPIC: What is stat liability and why do I need it

PRESENTER: Matt Atkinson and Brad Alcorn - Fee Langstone

More to come.**

August 7

TOPIC: Home Contents Main Exclusions/Cover Pitfalls

PRESENTER: Emma Gabor - Gabor Law

Aimed at beginners, this is an entry-level seminar on what the home contents policies cover.

August 14 :::::

TOPIC: Business Interruption – Importance of cover for Additional Increase in Cost of Working

PRESENTER: Mark Anderson - Commercial Loss Management

BI is more than just the insurance of Gross Profit. Cover is automatically provided for Increased Costs as part of the Gross Profit item. But there are limitations to what can be claimed under this item – often referred to as Item 1(b).

August 21 :::::

TOPIC: Construction Liability – Claims trends and resolutions

PRESENTER: Wynn Williams

More to come.**

August 22 :::::

TOPIC: Climate Related Disclosures – client impacts

PRESENTER: Mathieu Hemery - Mosaic

Many insurers must now provide annual statements that disclose information about the effects of climate change on their business. These new requirements will have flow-on effects for some of your customers.

September 2024 

September 3


PRESENTER: Duncan Cotterill

Underwriting agencies are increasing in numbers and size. In this session we will explore what UW agencies are, their unique value proposition, and how they aspire to change NZ’s insurance landscape.

September 12

TOPIC: Agriculture Crops Session

PRESENTER: Peter Ziegler - McLarens

More to come.**

September 17 :::::

TOPIC: Business Interruption – Common problems, pre-loss & post loss – & how to minimise or eliminate these 

PRESENTER: Mark Anderson - Commercial Loss Management

It is often only when a loss occurs that a broker finds out how good their clients BI policy is. It is too late after a loss to retrospectively change the cover. You may not have seen your client’s financial accounts.

September 18

TOPIC: Marine Cargo

PRESENTER: Andy Wrenn or Allen Chong - Vero Marine

More to come.**

September 26 :::::

TOPIC: Interpreting a Policy 

PRESENTER: Tom Pasley - Robertsons

While every insurance policy is different and tailored to the insured’s circumstances, this session will provide a general and practical framework as to how to interpret and make sense of insurance policies.

All webinars: 10.30 - 11.30am

*These webinars: 10.30 - 11.00am

**No details available at the time of publishing 


June 2024